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Acids And Bases Crossword Puzzle

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Acids And Bases

    2     3   4     5   6                
7                     8                  
                        14     15          
    23         24   25                      
        26                 27              
                      28           29      
Across Down
2 The particle involved in bases and acids
5 A chemical acid that doesn't fully ionize.
7 Characteristic of a base; taste
8 Cooking ingredient that is an acid.
10 One product mixes with water creates a ?
11 Purified or purposed substance.
13 To be sperate
14 A characteristic of bases.
17 Substances measured this way are bases.
20 0 on the pH scale.
21 Acid that gives vinegar its characteristic taste.
23 Used to measure pH number.
26 The way acids taste.
28 A chemical base that doesn't fully ionize.
30 A substance that flows.
1 Color litmus paper turns when indicating a base.
3 A base that is completely disassociated with a watery substance.
4 Is a 1 on pH scale, pinkish color.
6 Small compounds
9 Substance that has a pH of seven.
12 A milk with pH number.
15 Scale to fourteen that measures acidity.
16 Substance above a pH number of seven.
18 Substance below a pH number of seven.
19 Color litmus paper turns when indicating a acid.
22 Substances measured this way are acids.
24 A acid that is completely disassociated with a watery substance.
25 They acceptor things.
27 H20
29 A neutral substance.
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