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Casseroles Crossword Puzzle
Casseroles Crossword Puzzle
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Fill in the words with the hints provided

                          3     4
      5             6            
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2 The toppings to a casserole; a very popular topping is fried french onions
5 The ingredient that is showcased in the casserole; ex.proteins
7 The amount of time a casserole needs to set for (so proteins set)
8 The type of dish you use to cook your casserole
9 Something you do to the oven before you start preparing the casserole
10 What you should apply to a pan before cooking in it
11 An ingredient that can thicken the casserole; also can be an ingredient like pasta
12 An ingredient that had a distinct smell; ex.onions
13 A sauce that uses a roux, and then you add milk/dairy to create it
1 When you have all ingredients ready, and start putting them in the dish
3 An ingredient that brings a casserole together
4 To mix ingredients into an already cooking mixture
6 A sauce that is used to thicken dishes; uses flour and butter as base
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