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Health Literacy

                1             2          
        7                   8            
                        9       10        
          13                     14        
    17                         18          
    19         20     21                    
          22                       23      
Across Down
5 to do the same things as your friends because of peer pressure
6 a type of fat produced in the body; too much can block arteries and lead to heart attack or stroke
7 stress experienced in positive situations e.g. marriage, having a baby
11 nutrients that supply energy and help the body use other nutrients; found in cereals, breads, grains
12 the part of a food that is used by our bodies; examples; protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals
13 something that does not occur naturally in a food; something added often a preservative or coloring
14 Experts recommend that teens get ____or more of vigorous activity each day.
15 Exercise helps people lose ____ and lower the risk of some diseases.
16 Exercising causes the body to produce ____,chemicals that can help a person feel more peaceful.
17 food that you eat when you are feeling stressed or depressed, usually unhealthy food like chocolate
19 a mineral used to season food; should be used in moderation
22 – tend to raise cholesterol levels; found in most animal products such as meats, butter, cheese, and some processed products such as margarine and mayonnaise
1 a simple carbohydrate found in foods like candy, soft drinks, sugar-coated cereals, cookies and ice cream; also called fructose, sucrose, dextrose, maltose, lactose
2 nutrients that help build body structure and regulate many processes in the body; examples calcium, iron
3 The pressure of the blood on the artery wall as it corresponds to you heart beat.
4 Heart rate while sitting.
5 tend to lower cholesterol levels; found in plant foods such as safflower, corn, sunflower, sesame, and soybean oils
8 the nutrient that builds and repairs body cells; helps form antibodies to fight infection
9 refers to a heart rate that should not be exceeded during an activity/exercise
10 stressed experienced in negative situations e.g. death of a family member
18 nutrients that are essential for body growth, resisting infection, and keeping the body function properly; examples are vitamin A,C,D, Niacin
20 A feeling that's created when we react to specific events.
21 nutrient needed to supply stored energy; found in oils, butter, lard; the most calorically dense nutrient; provides body insulation
23 An event that provokes stress.
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