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Strength Training Terms

              1       2           3              
  4                             5                
                            7     8              
9                 10                              
                              15     16            
                17       18                        
20   21         22                                  
Across Down
3 a number of reps then a break
5 with oxygen
8 movement of a joint that decreases the angle of the joint
9 high weight x low reps
11 move a limb away from the body
12 increase in the weight and/or the number of reps or sets during a workout
13 move a limb towards the body
14 set within a set
16 several sets performed for several different lifts
17 muscle shortening movement
20 low weight x high reps
23 one lift through an up and down motion
1 holding or pausing contraction
2 movement of a joint that increases the angle of the joint
3 targeting one specific area, muscle, or workout goal
4 time (how long)
6 how hard
7 the ability to lift a weight, produce a force, or resist a force in relation to the time it takes to perform the action
10 increase in muscle size due to activity
11 without oxygen
15 how often
18 muscle lengthening movement
19 decrease in muscle size due to inactivity
20 the ability to lift a weight, produce a force, or resist a force regardless of how long it takes
21 a greater than normal stress on the body
22 the amount of weight you can lift one time
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